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PINE BOTTLE 10cc/vial (5vials/box) - Fat Disolver






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Available for professionals only
Product description
PINE BOTTLE Fat Disolver
Ampoule Solution For Face and Body

Enhances skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles. Unlike typical lipolysis products that can cause wrinkles during fat dissolution, our solution, combined with Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin, and L-Carnitine, accelerates lipolysis, safely dissolving fat cells and addressing potential wrinkles.

Fat Breakdown

Pine Bottle features potent ingredients like Lecithin, Bromelain, and Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) for effective fat breakdown.
Lecithin's lipophilic tails attract and absorb fats, playing a key role, while its stimulation of lipase release aids in breaking down triglycerides into energy-providing fatty acids for the body's cells.

Main Ingredients:
- Lecithin
Derived from soybeans and egg yolks, lecithin effectively breaks down excess body fat into energy-usable fatty acids, promoting fat burning and diminishing the risk of fat storage in adipose tissue.

- Bromelain
Bromelain, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes found naturally in the juice and stems of the pineapple plant. It helps to break down proteins and reduce inflammation.

- Riboflavin
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) activates fat metabolism by serving as electron carriers in energy production, antioxidant function, and various metabolic pathways. Essential for cellular growth and function, riboflavin aids in converting nutrients into energy.

Procedure of Process
Treatments occur 1 to 3 times, with a 4-week gap between sessions. Post the 3rd treatment, the interval increases, and additional procedures are tailored to the patient's needs. Gradual adaptation is emphasized over rapid fat reduction.

Combination Therapy
Ultrasound softens fat cells, aiding breakdown and preventing clumping. Combined with cryo-fat decomposition and small-dose DC therapy, it offers unique benefits. Frozen procedures minimize pain. To reduce pain, a thin needle(e.g. 34G 2mm needle) and alcohol ice gauze are used. Diluting 1-2cc of lidocaine per 10cc, along with less than 1cc of triamcinolone, significantly reduces pain and swelling.

Only for professional use!
Made in Korea.

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